56 Jobs for Engineer(Mechanical) found
Production Senior Manager 【Japanese Speaker】ID:56820
7,500 MYR ~ 13,800 MYRUSJ/Subang JayaJob Description
【Job Responsibilities】- Oversee overall production operation, quality, cost and budget.- Transverse company policy into department policy.- Set mid-long term plan, target and steer department to achieve goal.- Responsible to meet department Quality, Cost, Delivery and Productivity goal.- Ensure workplace operation, quality and cost effectiveness in place through 3A practice (Actual place, Actual thing, Actual circumstances)- Collaborated with others department to achieve company goals.- To meet customer satisfaction of machine/parts/service delivered and make further improvement.- Collaborated with others department to improve machine spec in term of quality & cost and customer satisfaction.- To improve production quality gate and improve production quality practice and awareness.- Plan and develop systems and procedures to improve operating quality and efficiency of the department.- Propose and manage new projects if required ensuring that target/goals for cost, quality, safety and manufacturability of product met the requirements.- To create team and steer project to achieve desire target.- To take action on changes to procedures, policies and process in the interest of improving the functionality of the department.- To manage of new product specification/requirement, recommend resources needed for new product implement.- Plan of department organization and foresee human resource future growth.- To assess team ability and capability, make training need analysis (TNA), collaborate with company training department to arrange for training.- To provide coaching, training, developing & motivation to staffs.- Assist staff to resolve complex or out of policy operation problems.- To manage department QMS 9001, EMS 14001 and safety and health activities- To ensure department compliance of IT, trade related issue- Carry on duties assigned by the superior from time to time.
- Annual Leave
- Medical Leave
- Language Allowance
- Commuting Allowance
- Tol Reimbursement
- Attendance Incentive
- Mean Allowance
- Company Canteen
- Group Inpatient Insurance
- Group Outpatient
- Company Uniforms
- Company Shoes
- Dental
- Outpatient Specialist Consultation
- Annual Increment
- OT Paid
- Company BonusSales Executive (Heavy Construction Machine)ID:56536
3,700 MYR ~ 4,700 MYRBangi/KajangJob Description
1) Responsible to develop new Sales and follow-up on existing clients to meet Sales Target2) To reinforce and maintain good relations with existing and prospective accounts in order to solicit new business for our company3) Develop and execute Sales Strategies and Plans4) Evaluate customer's needs and conduct market research and information
◆ Basic Salary = RM 3,000 ~ 4,000
** This amount is not inclusive with allowances and commission
◆ FTA (Fixed Transport Allowance) = RM 700
◆ Commission = 1~2% (from monthly rental value)
◆ AL: <2Y 14D, 2~5Y 18D, >5Y 21D
◆ MC: <2Y 14D, 2~5Y 18D, >5Y 22D
◆ Medical Claim = RM 1,500 / year
** Registered medical practitioner
◆ Insurance Coverage
- Hospitalization (Covered all dependents)
- Personal Accident
- Term Life (cover up to 24 months)
◆ Dental Claim = RM 500 / year
◆ Optometry Allowance = RM 300 / year
◆ Annual Increment 5~10%
◆ Contractual Bonus 1 month
◆ Company Activities: Annual Dinner, Company Trip, Welcome Lunch, Team BuildingSales Executive (Heavy Construction Machine)ID:55907
3,000 MYR ~ 4,700 MYRBangi/KajangJob Description
1) Responsible to develop new Sales and follow-up on existing clients to meet Sales Target2) To reinforce and maintain good relations with existing and prospective accounts in order to solicit new business for our company3) Develop and execute Sales Strategies and Plans4) Evaluate customer's needs and conduct market research and information
◆ Basic Salary = RM 2,300 ~ 4,000
** This amount is not inclusive with allowances and commission
◆ FTA (Fixed Transport Allowance) = RM 700
◆ Commission = 1~2%
** Product value average RM 300,000
** Monthly commission depends on monthly sales and rental amount
** Current sales person earn max commission over RM 10,000 monthly
◆ AL: <2Y 14D, 2~5Y 18D, >5Y 21D
◆ MC: <2Y 14D, 2~5Y 18D, >5Y 22D
◆ Medical Claim = RM 1,500 / year
** Registered medical practitioner
◆ Insurance Coverage
- Hospitalization (Covered all dependents)
- Personal Accident
- Term Life (cover up to 24 months)
◆ Dental Claim = RM 500 / year
◆ Optometry Allowance = RM 300 / year
◆ Annual Increment 5~10%
◆ Contractual Bonus 1 month
◆ Company Activities: Annual Dinner, Company Trip, Welcome Lunch, Team BuildingMaintenance EngineerID:56812
2,500 MYR ~ 3,500 MYRMalaccaJob Description
- Plan and conduct periodically maintenance activities- Responding to major machinery and equipment breakdowns- Establishing maintenance procedures and work instructions- Verify Work Instruction (WI) effectiveness- Train staff on machinery and equipment operating procedures- Diagnosing and troubleshooting- Maintaining spare inventories and replacement for any faulty equipment- Liaise with New Model Development team for maintenance related items e.g. tooling/equipment setting and installation, PM check etc.- Any other relevant duties as assigned
- EPF, SOCSO, EIS provided
- Bonus(Depends on the Performance)SMT Production ManagerID:56802
7,000 MYR ~ 9,000 MYRPeraiJob Description
• Managing SMT Production Lines• Execute corrective and preventive actions using the established methodologies and procedures.• Lost Time incidents reporting root causes and corrective actions• Monitoring, control, and TPM (total productive maintenance) procedures and reports.• Line changeover assistance.• Execution of Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Programs.• Solve chronic problems in SMT lines and machines.• Monitor and closing of TPM red tickets.• Monitor production performance related to equipment maintenance and upkeeping.• Downtime analysis and reports.• Support with launch of New Products debugging and good production performance stability.• Support with procedures improvements / changes to processes.• Assist on training operators, technical operators, and team leaders on machine operations.• Participate on Kaizen / Continuous Improvement Teams.• Promote Preventive Maintenance activities can be promoted. • Management, purchase requests, stock control for Spare parts• Train and develop subordinate skills
- Socso
- Medical benefits – RM35.00 company bear Per visit
- Transportation ( depends on distance )
- Bonus once a year is 1 month
- Friday prayer 2hrs time off (12.30pm – 02:30pm)
- OT rate on Normal day – RM10.00 per hour & on rest day & Public Holiday RM12.00 per hour
1/ Annual Leave
< 2 years 12 days
> 2 years < 5 years 16 days
>5 years 20 days
2/ MC
( a )Less than 2 years
14 days per year
( b )2 years but less than 5 years
18 days per year
( c )5 years or more
22 days per yearWelding EngineerID:56797
4,000 MYR ~ 9,000 MYRNibong TebalJob Description
1. Developing welding procedures and standards: Responsible for creating and implementing welding procedures that adhere to industry standards, codes, and safety regulations. This includes conducting research and staying updated with the latest advancements in welding techniques.2. Designing and evaluating welding processes: Analyze project requirements and propose efficient welding processes that meet quality, cost, and time constraints. This involves selecting appropriate welding methods, equipment, and materials.3. Providing technical expertise and support: Offer guidance and assistance to welding teams, helping them troubleshoot issues, select appropriate.4. Support for ad-hoc activities requested by superior
- Annual Leave 8 days
- Medical Leave 14 days
- Meal Allowance
- KPI Allowance
- Year End Bonus
- Salary Increment【品質管理】大手日系メーカー(社用車貸与 / ワークライフバランス)ID:56314
10,000 MYR ~ 12,000 MYROther Negeri Sembilan DistrictJob Description
【企業概要】弊社は自社商品・サービスを通じて「社会の役に立つ」ことを目標としている大手総合メーカーです。マレーシア拠点では主に日本向けの商品を生産しており、日本基準による高品質で安全な家具を生産しております。この度、品質管理・品質保証のPDCAサイクルの活性化による、更なる品質のレベルアップを担っていただく、品質管理人材を新たに募集いたします。【主な業務内容】- 日本本社の品質保証部とのやりとり及び書類の作成・提出(クレーム報告書、変化点管理報告書等)- 品質データの入力・管理・分析、製造部やサプライヤーへの品質管理及び指導等、品質業務全般のサポート- 社内の月次品質管理会議の運営サポート及び議題内容の確認- クレームの現象・根本原因の把握及び恒久対策の監視・測定- クレームの顧客対応(月に数回程度)
■勤務時間:平日 8:00~18:00
■勤務地 :ネゲリセンビラン 【セランゴール】
■基本給与:RM10,000 ~ 12,000 ※経験値やスキルに応じて変動
■ボーナス:あり ※業績に応じる(平均約1.3か月分)
■交通費 :都度請求可能
8,000 MYR ~ 8,000 MYRSeri KembanganJob Description
【企業情報】従業員700名を誇る、マレーシアでも最大級の日系企業です。自動車や家電向けのアルミダイカスト製品を主力製品としておりますが、この度退職者がでることとなり、採用活動を実施する運びとなりました。マレーシア国内だけではなく海外向けに対して自動車、家電、HDに対応が出来るため不況に強く安定経営ができるのが強みです。当社のアルミダイカストは従来の自動車はもちろん、エコカーや電気自動車にも部品を提供しており、今後も成長を続ける分野です。■取扱製品:自動車・バイク部品、コンピュータパーツ、油圧機器部品、一般産業機器部品などの精密部品の生産※アルミダイカストとは、高温で溶かした金属を金型に注ぎ、成型品を製造する技術です。【仕事内容】 主に金型やアルミをオーダーメードで開発設計生産納品まですべてマレーシア工場で行っています。トヨタ系、ダイハツ、三菱、プルドア等大手企業向けに納品しています。- マシニング、旋盤に冶具やチャックをセッティングし、テスト加工を実施。- 加工後の部品が設計通りに仕上がっているか、寸法、形状、面粗の確認。- マシニング、旋盤の刃物交換、寸法調整。- マシニング、旋盤等の定期的な点検やメンテナンス。- トラブルシューティング。- オペレーターのマネジメント。- 上司への報告。【勤務環境】勤務時間中はユニフォームに着替えていただきます。基本的にはオフィス勤務で必要に応じて隣接する工場の製造現場にも足を運びます。社内に食堂もありますのでランチの心配はありません(市内価格より割安です)
■賞与 :あり ※スキル・経験に準じる
■勤務地 :バラコン【セランゴール州】
■勤務時間:平日 8:00~18:10
■交通費 :社用車貸与あり(入社3ヶ月以降をめどにご相談)
■駐車場 :あり
10,000 MYR ~ 15,000 MYRSeri KembanganJob Description
■賞与 :あり ※スキル・経験に準じる
■勤務地 :バラコン【セランゴール州】
■勤務時間:平日 8:00~18:10
■交通費 :社用車貸与あり(入社3ヶ月以降をめどにご相談)
■駐車場 :あり
10,000 MYR ~ 15,000 MYRSeri KembanganJob Description
【会社について/採用背景】自動車や家電向けのアルミダイカスト製品を主力製品として今後のシェア拡大を進める為の採用です。当社のアルミダイカストは従来の自動車はもちろん、エコカーや電気自動車にも部品を提供しており、今後も成長を続ける分野です。マレーシア工場では10年以上マレーシアで働いている日本人社員も複数名いるため、新生活に関する相談も気軽にできる環境があります。■取扱製品:自動車・バイク部品、コンピュータパーツ、油圧機器部品、一般産業機器部品などの精密部品の生産※アルミダイカストとは、高温で溶かした金属を金型に注ぎ、成型品を製造する技術です。 【業務内容】 製造ラインの自動化チームのリーダーポジション・製造設備の動作制御設計(仕様作成)・制御装置の作成(電気配線)・自動機、洗浄機を用いて生産設備のメンテナンス・製造ラインの設備をPLCを用いて立ち上げ・産業用ロボット設置、立ち上げ・ローカルスタッフへの技術的指導、マネジメント業務・上司への報告
■賞与 :あり ※スキル・経験に準じる
■勤務地 :バラコン【セランゴール州】
■勤務時間:平日 8:00~18:10
■交通費 :社用車貸与あり(入社3ヶ月以降をめどにご相談)
■駐車場 :あり