11 Jobs for Publishing/Printing/Advertising/Broadcasting found
Multimedia Designer (KL)ID:56145
4,000 MYR ~ 6,000 MYRKota Damansara/Petaling JayaJob Description
We are seeking a creative and talented Multimedia Designer to join us. The ideal candidate will have a passion for visual storytelling, a keen eye for video and design, and the ability to create compelling multimedia content that enhances the brand presence. As a Multimedia Designer, you will play a crucial role in developing visually appealing and engaging materials across various digital platforms.Responsibilities:1. Conceptualize and design visually striking graphics and video for marketing collateral, including but not limited to social media posts, banners, and presentations.2. Produce and edit high-quality and high-engaging videos for marketing campaigns and promotional content.3. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to script, and bring creative concepts to life through visual and video.4. Create captivating motion graphics to enhance visual storytelling in various marketing materials.5. Work closely with marketing and social media teams to understand project requirements and deliver materials that meet strategic objectives.6. Stay updated on industry trends and advancements in multimedia design tools and technologies.7. Strong time management skills and ability to meet deadlines.8. Ability to work in a collaborative, fast-paced environment.9. Excellent communication skills and the ability to present and justify design decisions.10. Adaptability to evolving design trends and project requirements.
- Got increment after probation
- 2 times of increment per year
- 1 month contractual bonus (Dec)
- Performance bonus (April)
- Flexible benefit package RM3500 per year
Jan – June RM1750
July – Dec RM1750
*Can be used on the sectors below : Supplement, Dental, Optical, Sport wear, Sport equipment, Sport membership, Flight ticket (personal use), language class
- Medical claim RM1000 per year
- AL 14 days
- MC 14 days
- No OT claim
- Dress code is casual wearSenior Multimedia Designer (KL)ID:56142
5,500 MYR ~ 8,000 MYRKota Damansara/Petaling JayaJob Description
We are seeking a creative and talented Multimedia Designer to join us. The ideal candidate will have a passion for visual storytelling, a keen eye for video and design, and the ability to create compelling multimedia content that enhances the brand presence. As a Multimedia Designer, you will play a crucial role in developing visually appealing and engaging materials across various digital platforms.Responsibilities:1. Conceptualize and design visually striking graphics and video for marketing collateral, including but not limited to social media posts, banners, and presentations.2. Produce and edit high-quality and high-engaging videos for marketing campaigns and promotional content.3. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to script, and bring creative concepts to life through visual and video.4. Create captivating motion graphics to enhance visual storytelling in various marketing materials.5. Work closely with marketing and social media teams to understand project requirements and deliver materials that meet strategic objectives.6. Stay updated on industry trends and advancements in multimedia design tools and technologies.7. Strong time management skills and ability to meet deadlines.8. Ability to work in a collaborative, fast-paced environment.9. Excellent communication skills and the ability to present and justify design decisions.10. Adaptability to evolving design trends and project requirements.
- Got increment after probation
- 2 times of increment per year
- 1 month contractual bonus (Dec)
- Performance bonus (April)
- Flexible benefit package RM3500 per year
Jan – June RM1750
July – Dec RM1750
*Can be used on the sectors below : Supplement, Dental, Optical, Sport wear, Sport equipment, Sport membership, Flight ticket (personal use), language class
- Medical claim RM1000 per year
- AL 14 days
- MC 14 days
- No OT claim
- Dress code is casual wear【広告営業マネージャー 】メディア業界(幅広い業界との交流、経験が積める業務です!)ID:56130
9,000 MYR ~ 12,000 MYRMont KiaraJob Description
<会社・職務概要>当社は、マレーシアでフリーペーパーの制作を行っている会社です。この媒体は、マレーシアでの生活をより楽しく豊かにすることを目的とした生活情報誌で、実用的で生活に役立つ情報を提供します。性別や世代を問わず多くの読者に支持されており、広告効果を期待する企業にとっても信頼される日本語媒体を目指しています。<広告営業マネージャーのミッション>組織全体の受注から制作、掲載後のフォローをマネジメント業務を担っていただきます。営業部4名のマネジメントしていただきながら、組織全体の売上を達成していただきます。【マレーシア・在留している方のサポート】当社は、マレーシアに在住している方や日本からの短期滞在者向けに、生活情報誌の企画・制作・発刊を行っています。現地でのビジネスや販売促進の支援を通じて、マレーシアと日本を繋ぐサポートを提供しています。現場で自発的にいろいろなことにチャレンジいただける方を募集します!具体的には。。。? -営業から企画まで、幅広い仕事に携わって頂く仕事内容となります -レストラン、美容、レジャー等、マレーシアに在住している日本人向けに情報収集を行い、地域に特化したフリーペーパーにて配信 -お客様の要望に適した提案をし、社内の編集部と協力して広告を作成 します。 -社内スタッフのマネジメント -その他諸々 〈職務内容〉1. クライアントリレーションシップ管理・マレーシアの日系企業や現地企業との関係構築・既存クライアントのフォローアップと新規クライアントの開拓2. 広告戦略の立案と提案・当社の特性を活かした効果的な広告提案・クライアントの要望に応じた広告デザインやコンテンツ制作・キャッチコピー作成やインタビューの実施3. 顧客とデザイナーの調整・クライアントの要望をデザイナーに正確に伝え、デザインコンセプトを共有します。・デザイン制作の進行状況を確認し、必要に応じてクライアントにフィードバックを提供します。・クライアントからの修正依頼や意見をデザイナーに伝え、最終的なデザインが顧客の期待に沿うよう調整します。4. 受注から掲載後のフォローまでの一貫した管理・広告掲載の受注処理・広告原稿の作成支援と校正・掲載スケジュールの管理と調整・掲載後のクライアントへのフィードバック5. マーケティングコンサルティング・クライアントのマーケティング課題に対するソリューション提案・マレーシア市場に関する情報提供と分析6. 営業目標の達成・個人および部門の売上目標の達成・営業活動の報告と分析7. チーム管理・営業チームの育成や業務管理を行い、目標達成に向けた指導を行います。〈魅力ポイント〉・すぐにでもマレーシアで働きたい方大歓迎・社長や経営者の方とイベントや会食を通して人脈の幅を広げ、成長したい方・営業目標を達成すればをコミッションを支給。実績が反映されます。・お客様先に行くときはグラブ(タクシー)を使って行くので、運転不要です
■給与 : RM 9,000 - RM 12,000
■ボーナス:業績に応じて支給【広告営業 】メディア業界(幅広い業界との交流、経験が積める業務です!)ID:56070
7,000 MYR ~ 9,000 MYRMont KiaraJob Description
<会社・職務概要>当社は、マレーシアでフリーペーパーの制作を行っている会社です。この媒体は、マレーシアでの生活をより楽しく豊かにすることを目的とした生活情報誌で、実用的で生活に役立つ情報を提供します。性別や世代を問わず多くの読者に支持されており、広告効果を期待する企業にとっても信頼される日本語媒体を目指しています。【マレーシア・在留している方のサポート】当社は、マレーシアに在住している方や日本からの短期滞在者向けに、生活情報誌の企画・制作・発刊を行っています。現地でのビジネスや販売促進の支援を通じて、マレーシアと日本を繋ぐサポートを提供しています。現場で自発的にいろいろなことにチャレンジいただける方を募集します!具体的には。。。? -営業から企画まで、幅広い仕事に携わって頂く仕事内容となります -レストラン、美容、レジャー等、マレーシアに在住している日本人向けに情報収集を行い、地域に特化したフリーペーパーにて配信 -お客様の要望に適した提案をし、社内の編集部と協力して広告を作成 -社内スタッフのマネジメント -その他諸々 〈職務内容〉1. クライアントリレーションシップ管理・マレーシアの日系企業や現地企業との関係構築・既存クライアントのフォローアップと新規クライアントの開拓2. 広告戦略の立案と提案・クライアントのニーズに合わせた広告プランの作成・当社の特性を活かした効果的な広告提案3. 受注から掲載後のフォローまでの一貫した管理・広告掲載の受注処理・広告原稿の作成支援と校正・掲載スケジュールの管理と調整・掲載後のクライアントへのフィードバック4. マーケティングコンサルティング・クライアントのマーケティング課題に対するソリューション提案・マレーシア市場に関する情報提供と分析5. 営業目標の達成・個人および部門の売上目標の達成・営業活動の報告と分析〈魅力ポイント〉・すぐにでもマレーシアで働きたい方大歓迎・社長や経営者の方とイベントや会食を通して人脈の幅を広げ、成長したい方・営業目標を達成すればをコミッションを支給、実績が反映されます・お客様先に行くときはグラブ(タクシー)を使って行くので、運転不要です
■給与 : RM 7,000 - RM 9,000
7,500 MYR ~ 15,000 MYRBangsarJob Description
【企業情報】創業以来の主力事業である広告分野のみに留まらず、今後あらゆる産業分野においてグローバルに実現することを目指し、世界各国へ積極的に展開してるアドテクノロジー企業で御座います。事業内容:DSP, DMPの国内外での開発・販売、DSPシステムのOEM提供、広告配信コンサルテーションの提供。【具体的業務内容】・海外個社単体決算業務支援・連結パッケージ作成支援・現地監査対応・J-SOX対応・各種海外税務対応 (CIT,GST、VAT、移転価格. Etc.)・クロスボーダー取引に係る経理処理・現地会計事務所や拠点担当者とのリエゾン・現地スタッフへの指導、教育・決算時の提出スケジュールの調整・システム導入、決算早期化、安定化(中長期)・本社連結決算支援・拠点運営サポート(総務、法務、人事、IT)・海外グループ全体の運営改善 ・各種トラブルシュート【仕事の進め方】海外拠点においては、比較的経験の浅い担当者も多く、オンラインMTG、海外出張を通じて現地メンバーとコミュニケーションを取って頂きながら業務を行っていただきます。海外拠点と緊密に連携しながら、支援・指導をして頂く、また社内外との調整業務等も多数発生するため、コミュニケーション能力も求められます。【今後のキャリア】将来的には、ご経験に合わせて経理を含めたバックオフィス領域における幅広い業務を経験頂き、総合的な力を持つ経理パーソン、管理部門の管理職候補としてキャリアアップ頂きます。【魅力的なところ】・各国に点在する海外子会社の会計処理、税務を横断して携われます・オフィスは公共交通機関で通勤可能で御座います・管理職候補としての採用になります
■給与:RM7,500 ~ RM15,000
■有給休暇 14日間、傷病休暇14日間
■入院保険加入あり (家族含め)
■社員活動:チームビルディング、社員旅行、ウェルカムランチ等Multimedia Designer (KL)ID:56029
6,000 MYR ~ 8,000 MYRKota Damansara/Petaling JayaJob Description
We are seeking a creative and talented Multimedia Designer to join us. The ideal candidate will have a passion for visual storytelling, a keen eye for video and design, and the ability to create compelling multimedia content that enhances the brand presence. As a Multimedia Designer, you will play a crucial role in developing visually appealing and engaging materials across various digital platforms.Responsibilities:1. Conceptualize and design visually striking graphics and video for marketing collateral, including but not limited to social media posts, banners, and presentations.2. Produce and edit high-quality and high-engaging videos for marketing campaigns and promotional content.3. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to script, and bring creative concepts to life through visual and video.4. Create captivating motion graphics to enhance visual storytelling in various marketing materials.5. Work closely with marketing and social media teams to understand project requirements and deliver materials that meet strategic objectives.6. Stay updated on industry trends and advancements in multimedia design tools and technologies.7. Strong time management skills and ability to meet deadlines.8. Ability to work in a collaborative, fast-paced environment.9. Excellent communication skills and the ability to present and justify design decisions.10. Adaptability to evolving design trends and project requirements.
- Got increment after probation
- 2 times of increment per year
- 1 month contractual bonus (Dec)
- Performance bonus (April)
- Flexible benefit package RM3500 per year
Jan – June RM1750
July – Dec RM1750
*Can be used on the sectors below : Supplement, Dental, Optical, Sport wear, Sport equipment, Sport membership, Flight ticket (personal use), language class
- Medical claim RM1000 per year
- AL 14 days
- MC 14 days
- No OT claim
- Dress code is casual wearSocial Media Operation Specialist ID:55922
3,000 MYR ~ 5,000 MYRGeorgetownJob Description
Job Responsibilities:1. Ensure all operations are carried on in an appropriate, cost-effective way and maintain compliance.2. Improve operational management systems, processes, and best practices.3. Purchase materials, plan inventory, and oversee documentation efficiency.4. Formulate strategic and operational objectives.5. Examine financial data and use them to improve profitability.6. Manage budgets and forecasts.7. Perform quality controls and enhance department segmentation SOPs.
- Got increment after probation
- 2 times of increment per year
- 1 month contractual bonus (Dec)
- Performance bonus (April)
- Flexible benefit package RM3500 per year
Jan – June RM1750
July – Dec RM1750
*Can be used on the sectors below : Supplement, Dental, Optical, Sport wear, Sport equipment, Sport membership, Flight ticket (personal use), language class
- Medical claim RM1000 per year
- AL 14 days
- MC 14 days
- No OT claim
- Dress code is casual wearAdvertising & Promotion Executive AssistantID:54070
3,500 MYR ~ 5,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCCJob Description
Advertising and Promotion----------------------• To coordinate and implement assigned advertising and promotions projects as well as public relations effort to meet the overall objectives of the Mall.• To help identify, plan, and organize suitable themed promotions for the Mall to achieve strong brand identity and positioning, at the same time maintain strong market presence.• To evaluate feasibility of every promotional against Company’s policies, objectives, and target market.• To conduct market research and compiling figures or statistics towards the preparation of advertising and promotion plans.• To monitor and evaluate effectiveness of the promotion against existing policies, objectives, as well as target market.• To ensure proper implementation and smooth coordination of duties amongst departments and contractors for all promotion events.• Constantly keep abreast of the latest digital innovations and implement on the Mall’s digital platform.• Manage online media campaigns, online advocacy, editorial planning and coordination, community outreach efforts, promotion, and etc.• To assist in the development of monthly newsletter and preparation of mailing list.• Measures performance of digital marketing efforts using web analytics tools i.e. Google Analytics.• To assist in the preparation of press invitations, press releases, press kits and coordinate press gifts for all promotion events.• To attend and provide assistance and support during the actual event as and when required.• To assist in coordinating the photography session of the press conference or any media coverage.• To identify and organize charitable and community related program that will enhance the Mall’s desired public perception.• Managing good rapport with tenants and to provide support, coordination, and recommendation on any store promotions, events, or merchandising display needs.• To assist in managing the customer loyalty program or VIP program into a profitable and long term relationship.• Assist in managing internal communications between the Business Relations team and the tenants.• Assist in managing external communications as well as media and public relations.• Identify and build business relationships with strategic partners i.e. government agencies, tourism related bodies, charity / volunteer organizations, corporate organizations, and etc. for joint promotions or sponsorship opportunities.• To handle all correspondence and administration of concept proposals, promotional license agreements, DBKL submissions, visual submissions for refund of security deposit.• To keep an updated list of media contacts and maintain good media relations at all times. • To maintain an orderly library of all events, projects and promotion activities, news articles, magazine advertisements, photographs, slides, artworks, leaflets, and etc.• To tabulate and maintain an accurate record of all expenses incurred within advertising, promotions, public relations, VMD, and any other operational matters. Visual Merchandising-----------------• To assist in developing innovative ideas and creative concepts that support the promotional efforts.• To liaise with suppliers and display contractors on the materials, cost, timing, schedule, coordination works, as well as final set-ups for the merchandising / decorations of the Mall.• To monitor set-up and dismantling works to ensure promotional guidelines are adhered to.• To coordinate with advertising agency for visualization and concept for all collaterals, promotion materials, advertising and publicity materials.• To ensure the control quality standards for all visual displays are in accordance with the existing policies, objectives, and identity of the Mall.• To maintain and upkeep an inventory of all VMD work tools, equipment, materials, props, decorations in good working condition.
Strategic Planner (Japanese Speaker)ID:54307
8,000 MYR ~ 15,000 MYRKota Damansara/Petaling JayaJob Description
Strategic planners are the key people inside the advertising agency as they are responsible for the formulation of policies and strategies for the clients. Strat Planner is crucial to develop strategies and plans from basic ideas including converting threats into opportunities through their out-of-the-box thinking. They work directly with Client Servicing as well as the Creative in the development of concepts for brands and formulate the best execution with the right planned resources. International and regional industry knowledge and exposure are important to ensure position holder able to give valuable insights through deep knowledge and logical analysis. RESPONSIBILITY: Job duties of strategic planner includes but not limited to:✓ Gather, organize, filter and store data for effective proposal and presentations.✓ Keep a track record of what is going on in the industry, monitor competitive trends, suggest changes in plans to management and zero in on market opportunities.✓ Predict or rather through careful analysis, suggest ways as how business threats can be eliminated.✓ Improve internal business plans by doing proper market analysis and understanding of the outer market.✓ Strategic and creative proposals and plans for client’s product development.✓ An active listener that seeks clarification for understanding; and provides thoughtful responses✓ Participate in brain-storming sessions and contribute ideas through sei-katsu-sha insights✓ Able to speak clearly and persuasively in positive or negative situations✓ Maintain a professional demeanor as representative of the vision, values and mission of the concept✓ Able to clearly convey ideas via written communications that exhibit a high level of competency and sophistication✓ Able to vary writing style as appropriate to the target audience✓ Present numerical data and metrics to convey results as well as interpret complex written information
Working Hybrid, bonus, overseas business trip and trainning
Software Developer (MS Dynamics 365)ID:52145
4,000 MYR ~ 12,000 MYRShah AlamJob Description
-DRIVE project: D365 implementation, development, integration and support.-Study, verify and assist to refine the SI-vendor’s solution to fulfill business requirements.-Design, development, testing, deployment, post implementation support and maintenance/enhancement on Regional application.-Produce and maintain documentation such as requirement, development and technical specification, test plan and user manual, as well as auto-testing scripts and tools.-Study, propose and implement new IT solution to support business and application improvement.
-Hospitalisation Leave
-Outpatient Medical - No limit, based on reimbursements
-Specialist Treatment
-Dental & Optical Subsidy
-Additional 3% voluntary EPF contribution by Employer.
-AL: 15days, MC:14 days