25 Jobs for Consulting found
Cloud - Business Development ManagerID:55850
9,000 MYR ~ 13,000 MYRBandar Sunway/PuchongJob Description
【Job Description】: 1. Provide technical and sales expertise for our Cloud Solutions to the Sales Organization. 2. Provide individual deal consulting to the sales organization on how best to present Cloud solutions. 3. As product evangelist and consultant who promotes Cloud related solutions and services. 4. Create all pricing and packaging for Cloud solutions and ensure they meet the required targets 5. Recommend the nature and scope of present and future product lines by reviewing product specifications and requirements, appraising new product ideas and/or product packaging changes. 6. Prospecting and progressing potential new customers, develop and maintain key account plan that identify opportunities for cloud to deliver value to customer for longer-term skills development and business growth. 7. Collaborate with Sales, Solutions Architect, and Delivery Team meet performance objective and customer requirements. 8. Present internally and externally the value of our SaaS solutions and develop a deep understanding of our cloud offerings and the differentiated value they provide. 9. Effectively drive customer planning and readiness for Cloud/SaaS solutions and connect customers with appropriate partners to support them. 10. Aid with challenging customer requests or issue escalations, ensuring prompt resolution. 11. Assist in negotiating contracts in relation to cloud or SaaS specific items. 12. Manage the pipeline and deal progression within your defined territory and ensure all reporting are accurate. 13. Meet assigned sales and revenue target and strategic objective. 14. Forecast and track key account metrics, including quarterly sales results and annual forecasts. 15. Assess market competitions by comparing our company’s vs. competitors' products and services. 16. Determine product pricing by utilizing market research data; reviewing sales and operations costs; anticipating sales volume and set competitive pricing model to meet revenue and profitability goals. 17. Maintain professional and technical hands-on knowledge by attending educational events, workshops, training and certifications requirements including actual service delivery and support activities. 18. Work with external parties to assess strategic partnerships and explore more cost-effective service provider products and licensing agreement opportunities. 19. Close new business deals by coordinating requirements; developing and negotiating contracts; and integrating contract requirements with service delivery operations. 20. Assist in any other ad-hoc task assigned by your superior or management.
Employment Benefits
- Annual Leave
- Medical Leave
- Maternity/Paternity Leave
- Special Leave
- Dental and Optical claim
- Group Insurances
- Outpatient, Hospitalization & Surgical, Term Life
- Additional employer EPF contribution
- Medical Heath Check Up
- Malls Privileges
- AllowancesAudit Assurance - Assistant ManagerID:53753
5,500 MYR ~ 7,500 MYRSeputehJob Description
- Involve in planning, supervising, coordinating, performing and assigning corporate-wide compliance audits on the portfolio assigned and ensure successful completion on a timely basis; - Possess up-to-date knowledge of accounting and auditing standards (e.g MPERS/MFRS and ISA), listing requirements, the firm’s latest audit methodology, the firm’s latest quality management manual and technology implementation procedures and uphold the quality standards of various engagements; - Perform special assignments or audits related jobs as directed by partners/superiors. These include, but are not limited to, due diligence reviews; forensic investigations; consulting activities over a broad range of topics corporate-wide; - Identify, communicate and solve engagement and audit issues, technical matters and improvement opportunities with partners/superiors as well as communicate engagement progress in a timely and organised manner; - Effectively manage and supervise audit work from planning until completion and ensure sufficient audit evidence is obtained, proper and adequate documentation of audit work papers and adequacy of the financial statements’ presentation; - Organising and distributing resources and manpower in harmony with abilities and schedules; - Delegate and review the work of staff members, provide on-the-job training, guide seniors in the decision making process, and evaluate staff members’ performance; - Develop and maintain good working relationships with clients and their personnel to increase customer satisfaction and to strengthen client relationships by providing individual attention, responsiveness and commitment to understanding their goals and needs professionally and responsibly; - Maintain and comply with the highest degree of professional standards, client confidentiality and personal conduct; - Desire for professional-level knowledge and ability to communicate and collaborate; - Lead by example, create a positive work environment and have an open mind with initiative for solutions.
Annual Leave
Medical Leave
Mileage Claim
Traveling (grab) Claim
Outstation Allowances
Professional Membership Subscription
Medical Benefit
Examination Fees Subsidy
Study Leave【会計コンサルサポート】日系コンサルティング企業(責任者候補)ID:56086
10,000 MYR ~ 12,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCCJob Description
<企業情報>当社は、1987年に設立されたコンサルティングファームです。日本、中国やASEAN諸国をベースにビジネスを展開しており、日系企業様の海外進出をサポートしております。この度、マレーシア拠点では新しく会計コンサルサポートとして共にビジネスを盛り上げていくことのできる人材を募集いたします。【主な業務内容】- クライアント(日系企業)とのメールおよび電話でのやりとり- 現地スタッフの指示・監督- 会計、税務、法務に関する各プロジェクトの提案書作成、業務進行、クロージングまで(通常はチームメンバーの一人として行う)- ニュースレター等の原稿執筆
■勤務時間:平日 9.00 - 18.00
■勤務地 :KLCC 【クアラルンプール】
■基本給与:RM10,000 ~ 12,000 ※経験値やスキルに応じて変動
■ボーナス:あり ※業績に応じる(平均約1か月分)
15,000 JPY ~ 30,000 JPYOthers CountryJob Description
■給与 :RM15,000 - RM30,000 ※経験に応じる
■勤務時間:平日9:00 - 18:00
■有給休暇 14日
■傷病休暇 14日
9,000 MYR ~ 15,000 MYRKL SentralJob Description
<<会社概要>>当社は財務・会計や内部統制に関するコンサルティング、デューデリジェンスをはじめとする会計コンサルティングファームです。マレーシアにおいては2017年に新規設立。大手監査法人やコンサルティングファームでの幅広い業務経験や、金融機関における実務経験を有するメンバーが在籍し、アドバイサリーサービスを提供しています。日系企業の海外進出支援・国際税務のご相談・現地の関連企業のご紹介や現地情勢の情報提供などアジアでのネットワークが豊富なので、複数地域に進出されている企業様へ品質の高いサービスの同時提供が可能です。会計業務のご経験を活かしてお仕事をされたい方必見のポジションです。<主な業務>(1)マレーシア新規進出支援(2)税務アドバイザリー業務(3)会計顧問、BPO(4)会計監査(5)トランズアクション(6)IPO支援具体的には… ■ローカルスタッフから上がってくる記帳業務、税務申告業務、会計報告(月次)、監査対応、記帳代行処理などの確認 ■ライセンス申請サポート、問い合わせ対応 ■外国人用ビザの申請サポート ■全体のクオリティマネジメント ■ローカルスタッフによるチームとクライアント間のコーディネーション業務※業務内容については人員バランスによって多少変更のある可能性がございます。 専門性の高い実務よりは、ローカルのスタッフとお客様とのコミュニケーションサポートが主業務となります。★魅力★・各国でキャリアを積んできた優秀なメンバーと働けます・駅近、アクセスのよい好立地です・しっかりゴール設定のもと評価されるため昇給・昇格の機会が期待できます・ニューヨークに法人を設立しており、将来的に希望があれば異動できる可能性あり
■基本給:RM 9,000 ~ RM 15,000(上限は特に設けておりませんので、経験により応相談となります。)
■試用期間:3ヶ月~6 ヶ月
■渡航費:相談可【好待遇 / 資格・実務経験必須 / 要ビジネス英語 】設立から約5年の会計事務所で中核メンバーとして働く会計士を募集!ID:50796
15,000 MYR ~ 20,000 MYRKL SentralJob Description
< 会社概要 >当社は財務・会計や内部統制に関するコンサルティング、デューデリジェンスをはじめとする会計コンサルティングファームです。マレーシアにおいては2017年に新規設立。大手監査法人やコンサルティングファームでの幅広い業務経験や、金融機関における実務経験を有するメンバーが在籍し、アドバイサリーサービスを提供しています。日系企業の海外進出支援・国際税務のご相談・現地の関連企業のご紹介や現地情勢の情報提供などアジアでのネットワークが豊富なので、複数地域に進出されている企業様へ品質の高いサービスの同時提供が可能です。マレーシアは立ち上げてまだ3年目のフェーズですので、やりがい、ご自身のキャリアにもつながる機会が多数ございます。海外×会計×少数精鋭メンバーで事業を作っていきたい!そんな方のご応募をお待ちしております。< 業務内容 >※立ち上げから約3年の会計事務所の中核メンバーとして、日系企業の問い合わせ窓口担当者となり幅広い実務作業を行って頂きます。(現地スタッフとの社内コミュニケーションや企業様の現地従業員とは英語でやり取りをします。)(1)マレーシア新規進出支援(2)税務アドバイザリー業務(3)会計顧問、BPO(4)会計監査(5)トランズアクション(6)IPO支援具体的には… ■記帳業務、税務申告業務 ■会計報告(月次)、監査対応、記帳代行処理などの会計業務全般 ■ライセンス申請サポート、問い合わせ対応(セクレタリ業務) ■外国人用ビザの申請サポート ■全体のクオリティマネジメント ■ローカルスタッフによるチームとクライアント間のコーディネーション業務※業務内容については人員バランスによっては多少変更のある可能性もございますのでご了承ください。★魅力★・各国でキャリアを積んできた優秀なメンバーがいます。メンバーと切磋琢磨しながらキャリアをグローバルに移すチャンスあり!・マレーシアではまだ設立して5年程のため、裁量を持って働ける環境がございます。・駅近、アクセスのよい好立地!
< 就業条件 >
■基本給与:RM15,000~ ※ご経験により応相談
■試用期間:3ヶ月~6 ヶ月
< 福利厚生 >
■年一回のボーナスありAudit AM/Manager (Technical Department)ID:56227
7,500 MYR ~ 9,000 MYRBangsarJob Description
【Job Responsibilities】:• Assist in preparing materials for internal training on professional and regulatory standards• Assist in maintaining and developing tools, templates, and resources used by the audit and assurance department• Assist in updating and enforcing firm’s quality management policies and procedures• Assist in monitoring operating effectiveness of the Firm’s internal controls and quality of audit engagements, with reporting and follow-up on remedial actions• Assist in implementing changes to the Firm’s audit methodology and intellectual resources to maintain compliance with latest professional standards and applicable approved accounting and auditing standards in Malaysia• Liaise with personnel at branch offices to obtain information on compliance with firm’s internal controls• Conduct research and information compilation on matters of importance to the audit and assurance department• Participate in any other ad-hoc projects or assignments which may be assigned on a need basis• Direct reporting to Technical Department manager and/or partner
- Annual Leave
- Medical Leave
- Mileage Claim
- Traveling (grab) Claim
- Outstation Allowances
- Professional Membership Subscription
- Medical Benefit
- Examination Fees Subsidy
- Study LeaveTax ConsultantID:56082
4,000 MYR ~ 7,500 MYRKL SentralJob Description
Job scope includes but not limited to- Provide advisory on tax matters including international tax- Preparation of tax computations- Management of tax schedule and compliance matters- Filing of Forms C, CP204, CP204A and CP 204B (company)- Filing of Forms B, BE and M (individual)- Preparation and payment of withholding tax- Tax audit / investigation- Responding queries from accounting team and clients- Any other ad-hoc assignments.
Salary Package : RM 4,000 - RM 7,500
- transportation allowance: RM100/m
- fixed phone allowance: RM100/m
* Allowance will be subject to offered position
Bonus : Once a year, subject to the company performance
Medical claimTechnical Support Engineer (Passive Fire Protection)ID:56302
3,000 MYR ~ 5,000 MYRDamansara HeightsJob Description
【Job Responsibilities】- Provide responsive technical support to technical inquiries/consultancy to local Commercial team. - Liaison with local Commercial team, subsequently translating market requests into development for new or modified products and systems. - Representing the Technical Department as the local Products and Systems application specialist for internal and external engagements such as presentations, site visits, project proposals and technical calculations. - Involvement in Products and Systems development i.e. to initiate and participates in all fire testing activities in concern to his/her market of responsibility. - Conduct theoretical and practical training sessions to enhance competency in products and systems applications knowledge for teammates internal departments and external customers. - Develop and constantly update technical materials such as drafting of technical notes, uploading relevant technical documents and detailed drawings, etc. - Preparation of AutoCAD abled and/or sketch software drawings to communicate with internal and external stakeholders. - Preparation of details individual progress report and submitting visit reports as determined by the Superior. - Develop & implement suitable quality systems for the conducting on-site installation inspection for the preparation and signing off of BOMBA required CCC (Certificate of Completion and Compliance) certification.- Exercise cost effectiveness and efficiency practices in conducting work tasks. - Submit, manage portfolio of BOMBA approvals, renewals & applications: a) Locate, source for test reports and assessments for BOMAB application of systems approval. b) Procurement of samples and preparation of Mock-ups for BOMBA application c) Preparation of SIRIM assessments for BOMBA submission - Manage and validate the renewal of assessments and/or retesting to keep BOMBA approvals before expiry.
- Annual Leave
- Medical Leave
- Outpatient
- Hospitalization & Surgical
- Medical Card
- Dental/ Immunity Boost
- Team Building
- Company Trip
- Car Maintenance Allowance
- Parking Allowance
- Petrol Card (Business Usage)
- Mobile Phone Provided (Maxis)
- Tol & Parking Reimbursement
- Non Commission BasedSales Manager (Media & Advertising)ID:56305
4,000 MYR ~ 6,000 MYRDamansara HeightsJob Description
【Key Accountabilities】:【Media Sales Revenue】• Identify and pursue opportunities to grow existing accounts and secure new business • Lead pitches and presentations to prospective clients, showcasing the agency’s capabilities and strategic approach • Collaborate with the leadership team to develop and implement strategies for business expansion • Ensure that all client projects are delivered on time, within scope and on budget • Oversee the project management process, ensuring clear communication, risk management and problem resolution • Ensure that all deliverables meet or exceed client expectations and agency standards • Must have a proven track record in sales, responsible for developing and executing sales strategies, managing key client relationships and achieving sales targets 【Client Relationship Management】• Serve as the primary point of contact for key clients, building and maintaining strong, long term relationships • Understand clients’ business goals, challenges and market conditions to develop tailored marketing strategies • Provide strategic counsel to clients, ensuring that all marketing initiatives align with their business objectives 【Reporting and Performance Analysis • Provide regular reports to clients on campaign performance, including analysis of KPIs and ROI • Present strategic recommendations based on data-driven insights to improve future campaigns • Report on account performance to senior management, highlighting successes, challenges and growth opportunities 【Market and Industry Insight】• Keep up with the latest trends In media, technology and consumer behavior • Continuously explore new and emerging media channels and platforms to stay competitive • Identify opportunities for innovative and new service offerings that can benefit clients
- Annual Leave
- Medical Leave
- Transport & Handphone Allowance
- Reimbursement (Mileage, Tol & Parking)
- Dental & Optical
- Outpatient
- Medical Insurance
- Performance Bonus
- Replacement Leave
- Sales Commission
- Hybrid Working Arrangement